TBU Professional Development Funding Policy & PD Application
As Teacher Members we recognize the benefits and rewards of professional development. All members are encouraged to develop and maintain their professional growth plans. Your Bargaining Unit Executive, through the yearly budgeting process, has provided funding to assist Members with their professional plans.
The purpose of this Fund is to promote Member professionalism and personal growth and we encourage those who do so, to keep records of all professional development activities as positive indicators of a teacher's commitment to employing current teaching best-practices.
Click blue link below:
Student Leadership Awards
1. District 2, Algoma, Part X.1 Teachers' Bargaining Unit, shall have an award called "O.S.S.T.F. Award for Student Leadership".
2. The Award shall consist of a sum of money that shall be determined annually by the District Executive during the budget process. (2015-16~ $150)
3. The Award shall be presented annually to a student in each of the secondary schools within the District at the school's graduation ceremony or at a special assembly.
4. The O.S.S.T.F. members at each school are responsible for the selection of the recipient based on the following minimum criteria:
a) The student must be graduating from a secondary school.
b) The student must not be a previous recipient of this Award.
c) The student must have been an active participant in a minimum of two diverse areas (for example, student government and activities, athletics, academic achievement, artistic impression).
5. Nominations for the Award may be made to the O.S.S.T.F. Workplace Representative or Alternate of the school by any of: the organized groups within the school, two or more staff members, or the school as a whole.
6. The O.S.S.T.F. Part X.1 Teacher Members in each secondary school shall vote using a secret ballot for the selection of the school's recipient if more than one student is nominated.
7. The O.S.S.T.F. Workplace Representative of the school will submit the name of the recipient to the Teachers' Bargaining Unit President on or before June 4th of each year.
8. The Teachers' Bargaining Unit President will ensure that the cheques are issued to each recipient, and the Awards and cheques are delivered to each Workplace Representative not later than June 20th of each school year.
9. The O.S.S.T.F. Workplace Rep shall make the annual presentation of the Award to the Recipient.
10. The Bargaining Unit Executive shall maintain a Master plaque on which shall be inscribed the names of the current year's recipients on an annual basis. Deadline Date with names submitted is to be no later than June 19th to
Marnie Devoni-St. Germain - District Executive Assistant.